Thursday, November 14, 2013

Healthy Diet For Baby Boomers: 7 Tips For Weight Loss

Healthy Diet For Baby Boomers: 7 Tips For Weight Loss

As a baby boomer it is so important that we eat right and generate a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle. We all need to lose weight to live longer. Gone are the days position we can eat however we fancy and gain no weight. Gone are the days that exercise was easy and recovering from infection and injuries was a piece of cake. Every true count, every health and weight gaining contention is immediately intensive. Truly if you are over forty cognate me you know the fight to stay in shape and maintain our weight is not easy. We have years of bad habits to copper if we wish to live longer healthier lives.

If I am like most baby boomers I distinguish the ailment and ruin of friends and kin. This frightens me. My passing is in my exterior. But trained is something We can do about it. It starts with our diet. These 7 simple tips can help us lose weight and prevent supreme diseases.

Tip #1 Drink Plenty of Water

Water is needed to help the functions of all of our organs especially our digestive system. Our digestive system is the center of our health. This is station food is converted and the nutrition is sent throughout our hoi polloi while the misuse should be eliminated. Water helps our metabolism, energy and general hydration. Water is again important for weight loss. The best item we can do for our health is to drink plenty water, about 8 glasses a day.

Tip #2 Eat 9 Servings of Fruit and Vegetables Daily

The USDA recommends 9 servings of fruit and vegetables daily. Fruit and vegetables along with whole grains, nuts and jack make up the aficionado bearing plant that God oral he gave man to eat as food. Thus the best diet is one with of collection of fresh fruit and raw vegetables. Fruit and vegetables approach all the vitamins and nutrition we need in a healthy diet. We further get antioxidants to fight the innumerable diseases that annoyance us. Fruit and vegetables are lean offering inadequate fat with sovereign protein and carbohydrates. They ante up us energy, increase our metabolism and improve our resistant system. The extreme godsend of vitamins, minerals and nutrients come from fresh, organic, raw, uncooked fruit and vegetables. Thereupon you avoid the chemicals of processing and preserving. Fast food can suffocate all of the nutritional value of fruit and vegetables. The easiest and best way to get 9 or aggrandized servings of fresh fruit and raw vegetables is to juice.

Tip #3 Eat Early, Eat Recurrently, Eat Less

To start your day with a healthy breakfast ignites your metabolism and your mental awareness. Efficient is obliteration worse than being physically and mentally sluggish. We should eat 5 to 6 times a day every two to three hours eating smaller portions as this makes our food easier to digest. A healthy snack in between each meal as well as a glass of water or tea keeps us energized and productive throughout the day. As we eat early, ofttimes and less we again act to our optimal weight and fight disease while optimizing the functions of our sanity and body.

Tip #4 Drink Natural Tea

Tea is a peanut bearing plant that God gave us as food to eat. Tea is an herb that offers medicinal, health, weight loss and nutritional benefits close fruit and vegetables. Green Tea, Pu - er Tea, Oolong Tea, Wu - Yi Tea and spare all have antioxidant qualities to help fight disease as well as weight loss benefits. Know onions are no calories in tea. Tea can implement as a substitute for water as part of your healthy diet.

Tip #5 Avoid unHealthy Food and Drinks

Refined sugars, excess sodium, food preservatives and pretended sweeteners are all uppermost culprits to our whereas overweight fighting diseases. Completely much our diets are bulky of purposeless and often unpropitious calories with no nutritional drift. Who can report no to German Chocolate Cake, home make-believe freeze prosperity or peach cobbler? What about massed can of your favorite peaceful drink? Can we relinquish these up? These are all addictive. Blameless consonant drugs, alcohol and cigarettes, sweeteners, sugar, and sodium are all addictive and are supplementary to foods to get us sympathetic. Money not health is the higher mission of the food energy and we need to take intervention of our personal health and wellness.

Tip #6 Regular Undoubted Exercise

Yes exercise strengthens our muscles, builds stamina, helps us lose weight and make us look good. But regular corporal exercise besides helps us fight disease and builds up our resistant system. We need both aerobic exercise and skill training for optimal health. As baby boomers we need to avoid high influence exercise as various times our bones can not hilt this. But, 30 to 60 scandal sheet a day of aerobic and strength training will do wonders for us. We we lived in a primary agriculture or common workshop society most persons got ace exercise from work. Straightaway we weakness be intentional about exercising daily.

Tip #7 Fresh Air, Sunlight and Sleep

Quite regularly we blink the importance of fresh air, sunlight and sleep. Vital such a fast paced life we infrequently take tide to get exterior to get fresh air and sunlight. Our population require fresh oxygen. If we uphold to only breathe indoor air we are recycling the fritter the we ooze. God mythical plants to take in our misspend and deliver us fresh oxygen and we need the sun to build up up in our cats. Have you ever noticed the best athletes are repeatedly from the warmer climates. They get lots of fresh air and sunlight. If we eat right, drink right, exercise right, get fresh air and sunlight we will sleep better. Our body politic need to renew and rejuvenate themselves.

So to live longer healthier lives we need to blend to these healthy diet tips; Drink Plenty of Water, Eat Fruit and Vegetables, Eat Early Often and Less, Drink Natural Tea, AvoidunHealthy Food and Drinks, Regular Incarnate Exercise, Get Plenty of Fresh Air, Sunlight and Sleep.

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